Problem No 2 with American MLM companies

There is a gap in the standard and cost of living in America and many Asian countries. As a result, the compensation plan and certain management criteria suitable for America does not do well in Asia, at least for the long run. The borderless plan from the US that became the big feature in the MLM industry to attract distributors to a global market opportunity with ease of entry seem to favor only the Americans or countries with a similar or higher standard of living. Asians known to be passionate leaders and distributors will work hard to hit their targets in the beginning but the market cannot sustain the higher cost of goods in the long term though there is no dispute about the high quality standard of the product.

Compensation plans can be configured in many different ways whether they are the step plan, unilevel or binary in nature but unfortunately many are not designed to help the little guy or part timer become successful. They favor the big leaders and volume producers so the larger mass of distributors soon will become inactive or DDs (Dead Distributors) It is a case of then having many Chiefs but few Indians!

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