My Background

I grew up in a family of professional men, starting with my father who is Chartered Land Surveyor. In his family of 5 boys in order of the oldest came a Chartered Town Planner, a Colombo plan scholar qualified Engineer, a Medical Doctor specializing in gynaecology, a Chartered Quantity Suveryor and I as the youngest became a Chartered Accountant.

Early in my career as a public auditor, I became concerned of my lack of independence as a public auditor who is paid by the client to produce a set of accounts that is supposed to reflect a true and fair view of the financial position of the company. I soon gave up the profession and many years later, the dissolution of the world famous Arthur Anderson accounting firm because of the Enron Corporation scandal truly justified my decision. (Read about the Enron case here)

I moved on to become a management consultant instead and created companies under the ITC Group & Associates banner covering a multitude of disciplines including management consulting, computer hardware, software, seminars and workshops and last but not least direct sales. Somewhere in the middle of my career while conducting & facilitating seminars and workshops, the FASTLANE logo was born. I felt that it truly represented my purpose in life, that is to rapidly connect, synergize and futurize the world for the betterment of individuals and communities. It involves human emotions, thinking, technologies, systems, principles and all there is in life that we are constantly learning about. (See the group profile page here)

Eventually, I carved myself a unique profile due to my diversed accumulated experiences to become the man that can help individuals and organizations achieve break through results. I became the man with the paper qualifications, the necessary experience and a good track record poised to help any individual or organization achieve positive and successful change.(See the consultant's profile page here)


Unknown said...

This profile is the same as the group profile page

Sun Fu, CHONG said...

Ahh Thanks Peter, I have corrected it. Note that this is a personal journal of mine and take personal responsibility for all contents or any errors found in it.

eXfuze seven+ Bienvenido! said...

hello, are you doing exfuze?